I thank very much all the judges who agreed to pose for the photo and for allowing me to compose these pages with contact information.
If you are a judge, and you wish to be present on this site, do not hesitate to contact me.
NB : It is not my responsibility to check the qualifications obtained and reported by the different judges ! I will not in any way ask for your diplomas. The presidents of clubs eager to invite you will ask for a copy of your diplomas.
I am not (in any case) in charge , with respect to cat clubs, to certify qualifications of each of the judges for each of the feline breed communicated on this site ;-)
This site is exclusively created for information, and also to be able to refer you. For non-All Breed judges, it would be very kind of you to let me know the success of your exams with the new breed you can judge as soon as possible. A great big thank you for your cooperation. ;-)
