Les prénoms félins en " B "
Feline names beginning with " B "
Femelles / Females
Les filles / girls |
Babette | Babiole | Babouche | Babouchka |
Baby-Doll | Babylone | Baccara | Bacchante |
Badiane | Bagatelle | Bagherra | Baguette |
Bahia | Bakélite | Balalaïka | Ballerine |
Balsamine | Balzane | Bamba | Banana split |
Baraka | Barbabelle | Barbamama | Barbara |
Barbarella | Barbichette | Barbie | Barbotine |
Baronne | Bastet | Bastille | Batavia |
Bayadère | Bearnaise | Béatrice | Beauté |
Bécassine | Béchamel | Bégonia | Beldame |
Belette | Belinda | Belle | Belle-de-nuit |
Belle-de-jour | Bellefleur | Bellina | Bellissima |
Bellone | Benedicte | Bérengère | Bérénice |
Bergamote | Bernadette | Berthe | Bessie |
Bethsabée | Betina | Betise | Betsy |
Betty | Betty Boop | Beverly | Bianca |
Biche | Bichette | Bilboa | Bille de clown |
Biscotte | Blanche | Blanche Neige | Blanchette |
Blandine | Bleuette | Blimga | Bobette |
Bohême | Bomba | Bombay | Bonny |
Bora | Bossa-Nova | Boubatis | Boucle d'or |
Bouclette | Boule-de-neige | Bourrasque | Brenda |
Bretzelle | Bridget | Brindille | Brioche |
Brise | Britanny | Brume | Brune |
Brunehaut | Brunette | Bugatti | Byzance |
Mâles / Males
Les Garçons / Boys |
Baal |
Babar | Baby |
Bacardi |
Bacchus | Bachelor | Bachi-Bouzouk | Backgammon |
Bali | Balluchon | Balou | Balthazar |
Balthus | Balzac | Bambi | Bambino |
Bambou | Bandanna | Bandit | Banjo |
Banzaï | Baobab | Barabas | Barbapapa |
Barberousse | Barnabé | Barracuda | Bart |
Bartok | Basile | Basilic | Basmati |
Baudelaire | Bazooka | Beauminou | Beauregard |
Bébé | Beckett | Beethoven | Beloeil |
Belphegor | Belzebuth | Benjamin | Benjy |
Berlingot | Berlioz | Bibi | Bidule |
Big Bear | Bigfoot | Bigoudi | Bijou |
Bikini | Bilboquet | Bill | Billy |
Bingo | Bip | Biscuit | Bisou |
Bisounours | Black Jack | Blacky | Blade |
Blini | Blizzard | Blueberry | Blutch |
Bob | Bobby | Bolduc | Bolero |
Bolide | Bolsh oï | Bonaparte | Bonaventure |
Bonbon | Bonheur | Bonhomme | Boniface |
Bonzaï | Boomerang | Boston | Botticelli |
Bouba | Bouddha | Boule | Bourbon |
Bout d'chou | Boutentrin | Bowling | Brahms |
Brigand | Bubblegum | Bucephal | Buffalo |
Bug | Bugs Bunny | Buzz | Byron |
Mâles / Males |
Femelles / Females |
Babe |
Babe Breezy Butterscotch
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WebMaster & CatLover : jean-luc roffredo |