Les prénoms félins en " G "
Feline names beginning with " G "
Femelles / Females
Gaëlle | Genista | Gisella | Gréta |
Gabby | Gennadiya | Giselle | Greer |
Gabi | Genovefa | Gisila | Greet |
Gabija | Genoveffa | Gisselle | Greetje |
Gabriëlle | Genoveva | Gita | Greta |
Gabriela | Genowefa | Githa | Gretchen |
Gabriele | Georgeanna | Gitta | Grete |
Gabriella | Georgene | Gittan | Gretel |
Gabrielle | Georgeta | Gitte | Grethe |
Gabrielė | Georgette | Gittel | Gretta |
Gabrijela | Georgia | Giuditta | Grid |
Gadar | Georgiana | Giulia | Griet |
Gae | Georgie | Giuliana | Grimhildr |
Gaea | Georgina | Giulietta | Grimhilt |
Gaenor | Georgine | Giuseppa | Griselda |
Gaetana | Geraldine | Giuseppina | Grizel |
Gaetane | Gerd | Giustina | Gro |
Gaia | Gerda | Gizella | Grozda |
Gaiana | Geretrudis | Gizem | Grozdana |
Gaiane | Gergana | Gizi | Grusha |
Gail | Gerhild | Gladys | Gry |
Gaila | Gerlind | Glaucia | Guadalupe |
Gaja | Gerlinde | Glaw | Gudlaug |
Gal | Germaine | Glenda | Gudridr |
Gala | Germana | Glenice | Gudrun |
Galadriel | Gerry | Glenna | Guendolen |
Gale | Gertie | Glenys | Guenevere |
Galene | Gertraud | Gloria | Guenièvre |
Galia | Gertrud | Gloriana | Guinevere |
Galila | Gertruda | Glorinda | Guiomar |
Galina | Gertrude | Glory | Gul |
Galit | Gertrudes | Gluke | Gulbahar |
Galya | Gertrudis | Glukel | Gulistan |
Gamal | Gertruida | Glykeria | Gull |
Gamila | Gervaise | Glynis | Gulzar |
Gamze | Gethsemane | Gobinet | Gunborg |
Garbi | Ghada | Gobnait | Gunda |
Garbiñe | Ghadir | Gobnata | Gundula |
Garden | Ghaliya | Gobnet | Gunhild |
Gardenia | Ghislaine | Godelieve | Gunhilda |
Garnet | Ghoncheh | Godeliva | Gunilla |
Garnett | Ghufran | Godiva | Gunnbjorg |
Garnette | Ghyslaine | Goizane | Gunnhild |
Gathbiyya | Gia | Goizargi | Gunnhildr |
Gauhar | Giachetta | Goizeder | Gunnvor |
Gauri | Giacinta | Golda | Gunvor |
Gavriila | Giada | Goldie | Guo |
Gawahir | Gianna | Gomer | Gurutze |
Gay | Giannina | Gona | Gussie |
Gaye | Giedrė | Gonca | Gusta |
Gayla | Gigi | Goranka | Gwawr |
Gayle | Gilah | Gordana | Gwen |
Gaynor | Gilberta | Goretti | Gwenaëlle |
Gazbiyya | Gilberte | Gorica | Gwenda |
Géraldine | Gilbertine | Gormlaith | Gwendolen |
Gül | Gilda | Gotzone | Gwendoline |
Gülay | Gill | Gowri | Gwendolyn |
Gülbahar | Gillian | Gozde | Gweneth |
Gülden | Gina | Graça | Gwenevere |
Gülistan | Ginette | Grace | Gwenfrewi |
Gülten | Ginevra | Gracia | Gwenhwyfar |
Gbemisola | Ginger | Graciana | Gwenith |
Geena | Ginnie | Gracie | Gwenllian |
Geertje | Ginny | Graciela | Gwenneth |
Geertruida | Gintarė | Gracilia | Gwenyth |
Geltrude | Gioconda | Gracja | Gwladus |
Gemma | Gioia | Grainne | Gwynedd |
Gena | Giorgia | Grania | Gwyneira |
Genesis | Giorgina | Granya | Gwyneth |
Genette | Giosetta | Gratia | Gyda |
Geneva | Giovanna | Gratiana | Gyneth |
Geneviève | Giovannetta | Grazia | Gyongyi |
Genevieve | Gisa | Graziana | Gyorgyi |
Genevra | Gisèle | Graziella | Gyorgyike |
Genie | Gisela | Grażyna | Gypsy |
Gytha |
Gabriella |
Mâles / Males
Gaétan | Gazsi | Gernot | Giotto | Goronwy | Grwn |
Gaël | Gérald | Gero | Giovanni | Gorou | Grzegorz |
Gabe | Gérard | Gerolamo | Giraldo | Gosse | Gualberto |
Gabino | Géraud | Gerold | Girish | Gosta | Gualter |
Gabinus | Géza | Gerolf | Girisha | Gostav | Gualterio |
Gabir | Günter | Gerolt | Girolamo | Gostislav | Gualtiero |
Gabor | Günther | Geronimo | Gisbert | Gotahard | Guatier |
Gabr | Gürsel | Gerontius | Giselbert | Gotam | Guda |
Gabriel | Gearalt | Gerrard | Gisilbert | Gotama | Gudbrand |
Gabrielius | Gearoid | Gerrit | Gisilfrid | Goteleib | Gudbrandr |
Gabriels | Gebahard | Gershom | Gislenus | Gottfrid | Gudfridr |
Gabrijel | Gebbert | Gershon | Gislin | Gottfried | Gudmund |
Gad | Gebhard | Gert | Giuliano | Gotthard | Gudmundr |
Gaetano | Gedaliah | Gerulf | Giulio | Gotthilf | Guerino |
Gafar | Gedalyahu | Gervais | Giuseppe | Gotthold | Guglielmo |
Gage | Geert | Gervas | Giustino | Gottlieb | Guido |
Gahariet | Geevarghese | Gervase | Gjergj | Gottlob | Guifré |
Gaius | Geffrey | Gervasio | Gjon | Gottschalk | Guilherme |
Gaizka | Geir | Gervasius | Gjord | Gotzon | Guillaume |
Galahad | Gellért | Gerwazy | Gjorgji | Govad | Guillem |
Galal | Gemariah | Gethin | Gjurd | Govannon | Guillermo |
Galen | Gemaryahu | Gevorg | Gladwin | Govind | Guiscard |
Galenos | Gemini | Ghalib | Gladwyn | Govinda | Gulbrand |
Galip | Gene | Ghassan | Glanville | Goyathlay | Gulbrandr |
Gall | Genghis | Ghayth | Glaucio | Goyo | Gumarich |
Gallagher | Gennadi | Ghenadie | Glauco | Graciano | Gundahar |
Gallus | Gennadios | Gheorghe | Glaucus | Grady | Gundhram |
Galo | Gennadius | Ghislain | Glaukos | Graeme | Gundisalvus |
Gamaliel | Gennadiy | Ghjuvan | Glædwine | Graham | Gunnar |
Gamil | Gennady | Ghyslain | Gleb | Grahame | Gunnarr |
Gandalf | Gennaro | Giacinto | Glen | Grant | Gunne |
Ganesh | Genya | Giacobbe | Glendower | Granville | Gunter |
Ganesha | Geoff | Giacomo | Glenn | Gratian | Gunther |
Gang | Geoffrey | Giambattista | Glooscap | Gratianus | Guntram |
Ganix | Geoffroi | Giampaolo | Glyn | Gratien | Guntur |
Garaile | Geoffroy | Giampiero | Glyndwr | Gray | Gurutz |
Garbhan | Geordie | Gian | Glynn | Grayson | Gus |
Gareth | Georg | Giancarlo | Gnaeus | Graziano | Gustaaf |
Garey | George | Gianfranco | Goban | Gréagoir | Gustaf |
Garfield | Georgei | Gianluca | Gobind | Grégoire | Gustav |
Garland | Georges | Gianluigi | Godafrid | Greg | Gustave |
Garret | Georgi | Gianmarco | Goddard | Greger | Gustavo |
Garrett | Georgijs | Gianmaria | Godfrey | Gregers | Gustaw |
Garrick | Georgios | Gianni | Godfried | Gregg | Gusztav |
Garry | Georgius | Giannino | Godofredo | Gregor | Guto |
Garth | Georgiy | Gianpaolo | Godric | Gregorio | Gutxi |
Garvan | Georgo | Gianpiero | Godtfred | Gregorios | Guus |
Gary | Georgs | Gib | Godwine | Gregorius | Guy |
Gaspar | Georgy | Gideon | Goffredo | Gregory | Gvidas |
Gaspard | Gera | Gidie | Gofraidh | Greig | Gwallter |
Gaspare | Geraint | Giedrius | Goibniu | Grenville | Gwandoya |
Gasparo | Gerald | Giffard | Goker | Gresham | Gwenaël |
Gasper | Geraldo | Gijs | Goliath | Grey | Gwenneg |
Gaston | Gerallt | Gijsbert | Gonçal | Greyson | Gwil |
Gaubert | Gerard | Gil | Gonçalo | Grgur | Gwilherm |
Gaufrid | Gerardo | Gilad | Gonzalo | Grier | Gwilim |
Gautam | Gerasim | Gilbert | Goodwin | Griffin | Gwillym |
Gautama | Gerasimos | Gilberto | Gopal | Griffith | Gwilym |
Gautier | Gerben | Gilchrist | Gopala | Grigol | Gwrtheyrn |
Gautselin | Gerbern | Gilead | Gopinath | Grigor | Gwyn |
Gautstafr | Gereon | Giles | Gopinatha | Grigore | Gwynfor |
Gavin | Gerfrid | Gilgamesh | Goraidh | Grigori | Gwynn |
Gavino | Gerfried | Gilles | Goran | Grigorii | Gwythyr |
Gavrail | Gergely | Gillespie | Gord | Grigorijs | Gyatso |
Gavrel | Gergő | Gillis | Gordan | Grigoriy | Gyles |
Gavri'el | Gerhard | Gilroy | Gorden | Grigory | Gyorgy |
Gavriel | Gerhardt | Gino | Gordian | Griogair | Gyula |
Gavriil | Gerhold | Gintaras | Gordianus | Grisha | Gyuri |
Gavriilu | Gerlach | Gioacchino | Gordie | Gronw | Győző |
Gavril | Gerlof | Gioachino | Gordon | Grosvenor | |
Gawain | Germain | Giordano | Gordy | Grover | |
Gawdat | German | Giorgi | Gore | Grozdan | |
Gawel | Germano | Giorgino | Gorgi | Gruffud | |
Gayelord | Germanus | Giorgio | Gorka | Gruffudd | |
Gaylord | Germogen | Giosuè | Goro | Gruffydd |
Gabe |
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